Sponsorship & Exhibitor Information
Sponsored by:

Sponsorship Levels
- Designation as Platinum Sponsor on all Conference Materials
- Designation as a Platinum Sponsor on the ASNP Website
- Designation as a Platinum Sponsor on Marketing Emails for Virtual Meeting
- Permanent Link with Custom Icon in Conference App Navigation
- Live or Recorded 5-Minute Address to Attendees Prior to Opening Keynote
- Logo on Virtual Conference PowerPoint Template Used in All Sessions
- Sponsor’s Marketing Materials Distributed Virtually to All Attendees
- Banner Ad on Conference App during Entire Conference
- Digital Exhibitor Page to be Visited by Attendees
- Participation in Virtual Scavenger Hunt so Attendees will Visit Website
- Individual One-on-One Meeting Available thru ASNP Conference App
- Electronic Registered Attendee List with Permission for One Pre or Post Event Email to Attendees
- Access for 5 (Five) to Attend the Virtual Conference
Current Platinum Sponsor
- SpecialCare (MassMutual)
- Designation as a Gold Sponsor on all Promotional Conference Materials
- Designation as a Gold Sponsor on the ASNP Website
- Designation as Gold Sponsor on Marketing Emails for Virtual Meeting
- Permanent Link with Custom Icon in Conference App Navigation
- Live or Recorded 3-Minute Address to Attendees Prior to Financial Planners Pre-Session
- Sponsor’s Marketing Materials Distributed to All Attendees in Welcome Packet
- Digital Exhibitor Page to be Visited by Attendees
- Participation in Virtual Scavenger Hunt so Attendees will Visit Website
- Banner Ad During Financial Planners Pre-Sessions on Monday & Tuesday
- Individual One-on-One Meeting Available Thru ASNP Conference App
- Electronic Registered Attendee List with Permission for One Post Event Email to Attendees
- Access for Three (3) to Attend the Virtual Conference
Current Gold Sponsor
- The American College of Financial Services
- Designation as a Silver Sponsor on all Promotional Conference Materials
- Designation as a Silver Sponsor on the ASNP Website
- Designation as Silver Sponsor on Marketing Emails for Program
- Live or Recorded 3-Minute Address to Attendees Prior to Attorney Legal Pre-Session
- Digital Exhibitor Page to be Visited by Attendees
- Banner Ad During Legal Pre-Sessions on Monday & Tuesday
- Participation in Virtual Scavenger Hunt so Attendees will Visit Website
- Individual One-on-One Meeting Available Thru ASNP Conference App
- Electronic Registered Attendee List with Permission for One Post Event Email to Attendees
- Access for Two (2) to Attend the Virtual Conference
- Designation as a Bronze Sponsor on the ASNP Website
- Designation as Bronze Sponsor on Marketing Emails for Program
- Designation as a Bronze Sponsor on all Promotional Conference Materials
- Live or Recorded 60-Second Address to Attendees Prior to Closing “Stump the Chump” Panel
- Digital Exhibitor Page to be Visited by Attendees
- Participation in Virtual Scavenger Hunt so Attendees will Visit Website
- Individual One-on-One Meeting Available Thru ASNP Conference App
- Electronic Registered Attendee List with Permission for One Post Event Email to Attendees
- Access for One (1) to Attend the Virtual Conference
Current Bronze Sponsors
- RBC Trust Company (Delaware) Limited
- Live or Recorded 60-Second Address to Attendees Prior to a Designated General Session
- Designation as General Session Sponsor on the ASNP Conference App
- Designation as General Session Sponsor on the ASNP Conference Agenda
- Digital Exhibitor Page to be Visited by Attendees
- Participation in Virtual Scavenger Hunt so Attendees will Visit Website
- Individual One-on-One Meeting Available Thru ASNP Conference App
- Electronic Registered Attendee List with Permission for One Post Event Email to Attendees
- Access for One (1) to Attend the Virtual Conference
- Digital Exhibitor Page to be Visited by Attendees
- Designation as Exhibitor on the ASNP Website with Link
- Participation in Virtual Scavenger Hunt so Attendees will Visit Website
- Individual One-on-One Meeting Available Thru ASNP Conference App
- Electronic Registered Attendee List with Permission for One Post Event Email to Attendees
Cancellation Refund Policy
All cancellations must be received in writing. A 75% refund or credit toward future conference will be honored if received before March 5th. No refunds will be issued after March 5th.